Abstract submission
The programme committee invites authors to write and submit an abstract to contribute to the scientific programme of the annual conference.
Submission is possible from February 15, 2025.
The deadline for submission is March 31, 2025.
Notes on submission
The submission of scientific contributions for the programme is possible from 15.02.2025 up to and including 31.03.2025 via the congress homepage https://access.online-registry.net/dgsmp2025/. There you will also find further information on the available submission categories and the applicable formal requirements. We will inform you by the end of May 2025 whether your submission has been accepted and in which format.
We look forward to numerous submissions and exciting discussions!
Main topics
On the conference theme:
- Participation and co-creation: importance for health and well-being
- Participation and co-creation in health programmes and care approaches
- Innovative approaches to implementation and success factors
- Participation and co-creation in living environments (e.g. company, school and university)
- Political, ethical and social dimensions of participation and co-creation
The DGSMP would like to take up the focus on participation and co-creation for topics / work priorities:
- Digital Public Health / Digital Health Literacy
- Epidemiology
- Ethics in public health
- Evidence based public health
- Gender and intersectionality
- Health and labour
- Health promotion & prevention
- Health literacy
- Health Systems Research
- Health in and for All Policies
- Young Perspectives
- Children & Adolescents
- Teaching, further education and training
- Medical sociological theories – medical sociology
- Public health and public health
- Methods
- Planetary & Global Health
- Practical social medicine and rehabilitation
- Neglected social determinants
- Public Health Communication/(Infodemics)
- Public Health Nursing
- Public Mental Health
- Social Inequality and Health
- Health Services Research
- Young Scientists
Notes for authors
Please note the following general information on submitting contributions:
- Abstracts of lectures, posters, symposia and workshops can be submitted.
- The abstract text only (without title/author/institute) must not exceed 500 words. The title of a contribution should not exceed 250 characters (including spaces).
- We accept abstracts in German and English.
- A maximum of five references can be given.
- Images, graphics and tables are not permitted.
- Abstracts can only be submitted online via the congress homepage and can be submitted from February 15, 2025 to March 31, 2025, 23:59.
- You are expected to receive information about the acceptance or rejection of your submission at the end of May 2025.
- By submitting, you assume responsibility for the accuracy of the data submitted.
- The inclusion of a contribution in the conference programme requires the presenter to register for the conference for a fee.
Contribution types
Depending on the type of contribution, different information is required for submission. You will find this information below.
Oral or poster presentations are available as a format for scientific presentations. Presentations or posters are assigned to thematic sessions and are usually discussed individually. Please indicate the desired type of presentation (oral or poster). The programme committee reserves the right to decide on the acceptance of a contribution and to determine the final form of presentation.
Symposium (usually 90 minutes):
A symposium allows a topic to be discussed from several perspectives. It begins with a short thematic introduction by the chairperson (usually the person submitting the symposium). This is followed by two to five coordinated contributions on the topic, after which there should be time for discussion between the speakers and participants. We accept abstracts for symposia in German and English. The chairs and speakers of an accepted symposium will be listed as authors in the digital abstract volume. In the following, the “presenters” also include co-authors of individual contributions to a symposium.
Workshop (usually 90 minutes):
A workshop is a format whose didactic design should be significantly more interactive than the other formats (lecture/poster, symposium). The aim is to actively involve the workshop participants and enable a broad exchange between speakers and participants. The abstract and the workshop can be submitted or held in German or English. Organisers of an accepted workshop will be listed as authors in the digital abstract volume.
Pre-Conference (17.9.2025 from 9:00 – 12:30)
Abstracts for pre-conference workshops can also be submitted. These workshops can either have a (research) methodological or a content-related focus. Participation in a pre-conference can be booked in addition to or independently of conference participation.